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Though they are the same species, Thai basil and Italian basil have many differences. Thai basil is a more concentrated, spicy flavor, with smaller leaves on sturdy purple stems and a much more compact habit. Thai Basil also has a hint of licorice flavor. The leaves, which are about half the size of sweet basil, have purple stems and make pretty garnishes. They are added by the handful to Thai cusine and also dishes of Southeast Asia. Its popularity has grown with the discovery of these delicious dishes from those countries. It is perfectly suited for containers. The plants are highly ornamental, with deep purple flower buds that open in lavender. 


Approx. 1,000 seeds per packet

Thai Basil Seeds

Excluding Sales Tax

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    433 Sherrylynn Blvd. 

    Pleasant Hill, IA 50327

    Phone: 515-707-1549


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