Despite its common name, Devil's Backbone (also called zigzag plant) is a joy to grow. If you have a bright spot, it's a wonderfully easy-to-grow houseplant, purifying the air and adding a dose of drama to indoor decor. Devil's backbone holds up to dry conditions well, so it'll survive if you forget to water it every now and again (or can't water it due to travel or other busy schedules). Devil's backbone earned its common names because of the interesting pattern the stems make as they grow.
Devil's backbone is a fun houseplant for a medium to bright spot. It can tolerate low light for extended periods, but eventually leans toward the light and gets lanky, becoming unattractive (so we don't recommend it for low light). Devil's backbone can take direct sun on its leaves indoors, and with enough light, you might even get to enjoy pink or bronze tones to the foliage.
Water devil's backbone when the soil starts to dry. It can survive extended periods without water, but it tends to drop its lower leaves if it goes without water too long. Once it's watered properly again, the leaf dropping typically stops.
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